PAC staff and supporters are once more braving the elements with three circuits of Regents Park on Sunday 17 November 2013!

PAC’s "bionic" Chief Executive Peter Sandiford will be heading the team, despite having recently had major operations to his neck and knee as well as an artificial hip fitted! In spite of all this Peter is already well into training for the event and is aiming for a personal best on the day!

Joining our annual 10K challenge team this year is a contingent of eight from PAC's accountants the Crossley Group - thank you guys!

Please give generously via our Virgin Money Giving event page to help us reach our target. Every penny raised will contribute towards PAC's vital ongoing work with adults, children and families affected by adoption and/or other forms of permanent care.

For other ways to support PAC please click here.


PAC Staff and Supporters

  • Peter Sandiford
  • Julie Elston
  • Josie Gradwell
  • Robert Hammond
  • Kate Newton
  • Sophie Patterson
  • Robert Stuart
  • Amelia Trevette
  • William Vineall
  • Gilly Wesley

The Crossley Group

  • Graeme Copestake
  • Joe Cottam
  • Hollie Ellis
  • Kate Grimmond
  • Dan Housden
  • Tiffany Outred
  • Katy Uden
  • Sarah Williams