This Christmas the often unseen contribution of kinship carers will get an audience of millions. Make sure you don’t miss this special 10-minute programme on Grandparents Plus presented by Gloria Hunniford on Sunday 14 December on BBC One at 4.15pm.

Sam Smethers, Grandparents Plus Chief Executive says “We are thrilled that the BBC has chosen us to focus on kinship carer for this special programme. This is a great opportunity for us to raise vital funds for our work with kinship carers and tell millions more about the often unseen contribution kinship carers make.”

Kinship carers Janellen Redington and Pat & Ivor Sansom will feature on the programme, telling their own stories and describing the help they have received from Grandparents Plus. You can read more about them in the latest edition of the Grandparents Plus newsletter Kinship First.

What you can do before the appeal:

  • Join the Grandparents Plus thunderclap here
  • Donate here
  • Tell your friends and family about the appeal

More information can be found on the BBC Lifeline website.

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