On Saturday 27 June 2015 our very own Team Administrator Apprentice Sophie Kemp will be fulfilling a long-standing ambition of “throwing myself out of a plane” to raise awareness and funds for PAC-UK!

Sophie writes:

I started working at PAC-UK in November 2014 and even in the short amount of time that I’ve been here, I’ve seen just how important the work they do for people is.  PAC-UK provides an amazing service to anyone who's affected (or has been) by adoption. They also deliver training to an extremely large number of people, including school staff and adoptive parents, helping them to understand more about children in adoption.

All the staff have never ceased to amaze me – they’ve been some of the most welcoming and supportive people that I’ve ever come across in my life, and for that, I couldn’t be more grateful. I really feel like part of a team here, not just an irrelevant "admin girl".

We really need to increase our publicity and spread awareness of what we do. So for that reason, I’ve decided to take part in a sky-dive. This will be taking place in June 2015 (the date is still waiting to be confirmed). Throwing myself out of a plane, (many would find that phrase rather daunting) is something that I’ve wanted to do for a long time – and now that I have a perfect reason to do so, why not?!

You can help Sophie reach her £1.000 target by visiting her fundraising page. For details of other PAC-UK fundraising events - and how you can get involved - see here
