Help us to make a difference! Please make a donation now.
Different ways to donate

You can make a donation to PAC-UK via our website donation forms or JustGiving account!
Donate via our website donation forms or JustGiving page! Regular payments and single donations: Regular direct debits are particularly welcome as they give us much needed stability of income over the long term. They also remind us how much our supporters value what we do!
You can make regular and single, one-off donations using a debit or credit card via our website donation forms and JustGiving account. It’s quick, easy, secure and you'll be making a difference today.
Cheques, Postal Orders and CAF Cheques: You can send a cheque or postal order, made payable to Family Action (with 'Reference PAC-UK' written on the back) to our office address. We also accept CAF cheques, either posted to us or paid directly into our bank.
Payroll giving: If your workplace participates in a payroll giving scheme, you can nominate PAC-UK as your charity of choice. Please ask your employer for details. Please contact us for further information.
Corporate donors: We would be delighted to hear from corporate organisations warm to our cause. Financial support is needed to ensure the smooth running of all our services: to adoptive families, to adult adoptees, to birth families and to the professionals who work with them. Please contact us for further information.
Leaving a legacy:
Many of you reading our website will already be fully aware that adoption is a lifelong journey. Whatever role adoption has played in your life, I can say with confidence that it will have been life-changing. We are grateful every year to those who, acknowledging the importance of adoption in their lives, include a gift to the benefit of PAC-UK in their will. Would you consider doing the same when you come to draw up your will? If you require help or advice on this matter, please contact us.Heather Kearney, Head of Fundraising
Leaving a legacy
Help PAC-UK when you shop
Easy Fundraising helps charities to raise money when their supporters shop online. It works in a similar way to many other loyalty shopping sites, but instead of earning points when you shop, you raise a donation for PAC-UK instead. It's as simple as that! You can shop with over 2,000 well known stores and each will donate up to 15% of what you spend. For example, John Lewis & Partners will donate 1%, Amazon 1.5%, The Body Shop 6%, some insurance retailers will even donate up to £30 simply for taking out a policy with them! It only takes 2 minutes to fill in the registration form and you're good to go!
Help PAC-UK when you recycle
Recycle4Charity: Do you have a problem knowing what to do with your used inkjet cartridges and unwanted mobile phones? We've found a way to take them off your hands, and earn money for PAC-UK! Contact us for your free supply of envelopes, so you need never send another cartridge or mobile to landfill again! Simply pop your used mobile phones inside, drop it in the postbox (postage is free!) and PAC-UK will receive on average between £3.00-£5.00 for each mobile you send away to be recycled. Inkjet cartridges can also be sent (not via Freepost) – direct to the PAC-UK office please. Alternatively, you can register with recycle4charity and choose PAC-UK as your charity so you can keep track of the money you have raised and have the free pre-paid envelopes sent directly to you.
Support PAC-UK via fundraising events
Whether you want to climb a mountain, sail around the globe, or just have a tea party, we would be thrilled if you nominate us as your beneficiary. Your sponsors can support you either offline or through a donation page which can be set up to benefit PAC-UK. We’re happy to advise you on any initiative, and promote it for you when we can.
We arrange participation in some key challenges throughout the year – we currently have places available for London2Brighton Ultra Challenge (25 May 2024), Peak District Ultra Challenge (6 July 2024) and London to Brighton Cycle Ride (15 September 2024).
Please email for more information.