

07 Jul 2014

Woburn House Conference Centre

20 Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9HQ

Conference time
10.00am – 4.00pm

Closing date for booking

In the 1960s and 1970s Black children in the care system in England tended to be Black AfricanCaribbean, and they were placed in White residentialhomes or with White foster carers. Their experiencestaught us a lot about race and identity. Over thedecades British society has changed, and the ethnicmake-up of society is increasingly diverse. Thisconference will look at the implications of thosechanges for social work practice with Black, Asian andMinority Ethnic (BAME) children in care, and whatculturally competent practice might look like now.

This conference is particularly timely in the contextof likely legislative changes in relation to adoptionlaw that for many looks like a reduced emphasison ‘ethnic matching’. It will cover questions aboutassessment, matching and support of adopters andfoster carers. The speakers will encourage delegatesto consider the particular issues for Muslim children,Gypsy and Traveller children, Unaccompanied AsylumSeekers, BAME children in transracial and transculturalplacements and inter-country adoptees.


  • Krish Kandiah, Executive, Director of England/Churches in Mission, Evangelical Alliance


  • Dan Allen, Senior Social Work Lecturer, Faculty of Health & Social Care, Edge Hill University
  • Ismail Amaan, Director, Foster Care Link
  • Chris Atkins, Transnational & Transracial Adoption Group
  • Margaret Grant, Research & Policy Co-ordinator, BAAF Scotland
  • Professor Ravi Kohli, Head of Applied Social Studies, University of Bedfordshire
  • Dr John Simmonds, Director of Policy, Research & Development, BAAF

This conference will:

  • consider the experience of BAME children in the care system historically and look at how this is changing inan increasingly diverse society
  • look at social work practice in relation to BAME children, and offer a perspective on culturally competent practice
  • consider the implications of likely changes in the law/guidance around ‘ethnic matching’ and what thatmeans for practice
  • explore the particular issues for Muslim children, Gypsy and Traveller children, Unaccompanied Asylum Seekers, BAME children in transracial/transcultural placements and inter-country adoptees

Who should attend
Children’s services social workers and managers, family placement practitioners, independent reviewing officers,decision-makers, panel members, health and education professionals, youth services, CAFCASS children’s guardians, social work students, adopted adults, adoptive parents and foster and carers and the network for intercountry adoption.


Full or associate BAAF member
Standard rate £185 + £37 VAT total: £222.00

Individual BAAF member or student
Standard rate £135 + £27 VAT total: £162.00

Non member
£250 + £50 VAT total: £300.00

Contact details
Email conferences@baaf.org.uk
Telephone 020 7421 2637
Fax 020 7421 2601