PAC is proud to announce two workshops it is holding in conjunction with BAAF and Michael Tarren-Sweeney. Michael Tarren-Sweeney is Associate Professor of Child and Family Psychology, University of Canterbury, New Zealand where he has gained an international reputation for his studies of the development and needs of adopted and fostered children.

The Prevalence, Nature and Severity of Mental Health Difficulties experienced by Looked After Children and those Adopted from Care

Thursday 17 October 2013, 10am – 4pm, BAAF London


  • To explore the nature of the developmental pathway for adopted and fostered children.
  • To identify the risks and resilience factors identified through research and compare these to the general population.
  • To explore how this understanding should be taken into account in planning and decision-making.
  • To explore and understand the use of, advantages and disadvantages of the SDQ and the Brief Assessment Checklist.
  • To share best practice.

For: Social Workers at all levels, Independent Reviewing Officers, Panel Chairs and Decision Makers

Download the workshop flyer which includes further information and a registration form.

Please note, there are only 24 places available, early booking is advised.


What is the evidence base for effective mental health interventions for looked after children and adopted children?

Friday 18 October 2013, 10am – 4pm, BAAF London


  • To consider the current evidence base for effective interventions with adopted and fostered children
  • To explore the range of interventions and their component parts.
  • To explore how treatment goals should be set based on agreed assessments of clinical need.
  • To explore the framework for understanding the effectiveness of planned interventions.
  • To share good practice.

For: All professionals whose work involves the assessment of the needs of adopted and fostered children and providing services to meet their needs and those of their adoptive parents or foster carers.

Download the workshop flyer which includes further information and a registration form.

Please note, there are only 24 places available, early booking is advised.