In this month's PAC-UK guest blog Danielle has written a heartfelt poem to her two brothers, who she thinks about all the time, but is yet to meet. A huge thank you from all at PAC-UK to Danielle for writing and sharing this very personal account of loss and hope.
I’ve never met you but the love I have for you is huge
I will patiently wait until I get the news that you want to see me too
When I eventually see you I will run to you and hug you both tight
I’ve tried so hard to know something about you - even a minute detail of what you look like
Nothing out there seems to work, am I just unlucky I ask myself
I dream of the day that I will see both of your faces and I will cry with delight
You will no longer be boys but young men instead
I just hope the day will come when you both reach 18
Even though we have never met, I miss you both
I’ve often wondered if you know that I exist
I love you both so much
Hopefully my dream will come true sometime very soon
I will keep smiling for you both, my brothers
I will keep dreaming as I’ve done for years, that’s what keeps me going
With love, your sister Danielle
Danielle | November 2021

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